
Emily Merryman Fundraising Tournament a Success!

A note from Emily Merryman and her family:

Dear: Table Tennis players,

Thank you all so much for donating to my school. We raised a total of $844!!

It means so much to me that so many people came to support the table tennis club at Pacific Crest!!

Thanks again!

-Emily Merryman


We also would like to add our thanks and appreciation to the members of the Ambridge community. When Emily came up with the idea to start a club at her school, she had the idea of paying for it all with her own money. Little did we know there were so many in the Ambridge community who support her and her endeavors. We were truly moved. This club is going to get a rockin table, ping pong balls, paddles, and matching “I heart Jeff and Sandy Mason” tattoos (ok… maybe not so much of that last one).

Thanks so much to the Ambridge community!
Steve and Kristen Merryman (Em’s parents)